Our People
Susan Frasson

To say that Susan is proud to be leading the team is an understatement. Born and raised in Guelph, she has been with Wood Development Group since its earliest days as Coldpoint Holdings, including serving as Vice President for 8 years and leading the business as President since 2016. Susan says she learned from the best: her parents, John and Barbara Wood.
“They set the finest example of hard work, business acumen and leadership, and the importance of contributing to their community.” Susan draws on this example and her passion for helping to plan and lead transformative development projects, working with people to gather their input and ideas and build consensus on the best strategy to move forward.
Although she is a super-mom to four children and numerous animals, a business leader, serial entrepreneur, philanthropist and life partner, Susan always finds time to roll up her sleeves as a community volunteer, lending a hand to one of the many causes that are close to her heart.
Important things to know about Susan:
Alma Mater: University of Western Ontario
Favourite Canadian band: Barenaked Ladies
Favourite Quote: “We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.” ~ Winston Churchill
Smarties or M&Ms? M&Ms all the way.
Contacting Susan Frasson
Phone: 519-827-1900 Extension: 203
Email: susan.frasson@wooddevelopment.ca
Wood Development Group Inc.
5068 Whitelaw Road, Unit 1
Guelph, Ontario
N1H 6J3